Score Big with these Super Bowl Party Ideas for Adults!
Are you ready for some football? We here at SOS Events sure are! Bring on the beer, snacks, and tight football pants! Whether you’re a die hard football fan, or you just enjoy the cheer and beer, we’ve got some ideas to throw a “Kickin’ Super Bowl Party for 2016." Check out our favorite Super Bowl party ideas for adults down below!
- Cheers & Beer.You can’t have a bunch of boys kicking & screaming about a ball without the booze. Instead of going for your classic game day Bud Light or Coors, we thought we’d spice it up with different types of craft beer to liven up our pallets and spirits!
- Possession & Presentation. Instead of good ol' solo cups, try different styles of beer glasses for the type of craft your enjoying or have a little fun with some mason jars, which pair perfect with name tags; and for anyone who isn’t indulging in the booze, there’s always glass bottle sodas as an alternative, and don’t forget the festive paper straws!
- Concessions & Queso. Instead of bowls, upon bowls, upon plates, upon trays… we thought we’d try a different take on the way we snack. We hung individual variety chips on a clothesline, concession style so every guest can pick and choose. These are great for “handheld tacos.” If searching for more Superbowl snack ideas, you can prep shot glass cups with just the right amount of dip and a few sticks of veggies for a quick no plate option for game day snacks. It’s all about the quick fix, no one wants to miss the big play!
No matter what teams make it to Super Bowl 50, it’s the perfect day to hang with friends while you indulge in snacks during the Super Bowl Halftime Show. Don't forget to share with us your choices for the best Super Bowl commercials!
xox from SOS Events