Looking for Ideas to Throw a Single Girls' Valentine's Day Party? We've got 'em!
All the single ladies, all the single ladies.
Don't have a #MCM or BAE to call your own? We want to change your view on Valentine's Day this 2016. For our very first blog post, we are sharing our ideas to throw a single girls' Valentine's Day party that is so good, it'll beat any fancy dinner for two. That's because we are skipping dinner entirely and going straight to drinks and dessert.
If you're single, it probably seems like you can't go anywhere this February without being reminded of your single status. Can't I just get to the ice cream aisle at the grocery store without being overwhelmed by the life-sized teddy bears, pink roses and giant heart-shaped chocolate boxes that are blocking my way?
Yes, we understand that all of the single ladies have learned to hate this Hallmark holiday but at SOS Event Design we want you to fall in love with Valentine's Day all over again. So, here's your guide to throwing a Valentine's Day party for single ladies:
- Eat Dessert first. Call up your favorite gal pals and catch up over a freshly baked cake or batch of brownies. Unlike a boy, your girlfriends will appreciate the extra effort it took to bake those brownies and they'll notice that your cake piping technique has improved since last time.
- Rosé all day. Who needs a bouquet of roses when you have two bottles of rosé? Unlike a fancy restaurant, you don't have to mind your manners. Feel free to drink it right out of the bottle. This is your day.
- No boys=pink and red everything. We love a pink and red color scheme so don't steer away from the colors all-together just because it reminds you of the holiday. Add all of the girly details that you can while planning your single gals' Valentine's Day dinner. Check out our photo above for inspiration for your Valentine's Day party.
- Valentine's Day favors. Roses are red, violets are blue. A shot of Jack & Coke is cheaper than dinner for two. Show your girlfriends how much they mean to you with our Jack & Coke Valentine's Day favor idea (see below).
With love,
Jen from SOS Event Design